High-Performance Fog Seal

Minimize aggregate loss.

Construction Specification Guidelines

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These sample construction specification guidelines are provided solely for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace suitable planning, design, or professional consultation after careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the particular project.  Consequently, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc., its affiliates and their respective agents, directors, officers, and employees shall have no liability for any claims, damages, losses, demands, suits, and/or judgments in any way arising out of or caused by: (i) any use of these sample construction specification guidelines, or (ii) the accuracy or content of the information contained herein.  These sample construction guidelines are provided AS IS, without warranty, and are subject to change without notice.  Any person using these sample construction specification guidelines assumes all risk of use and is advised to engage appropriate professionals, formulate a comprehensive project plan, and adhere to all applicable instructions, warnings, and safety precautions.